

13 February 2020

In this post, we are making the transition to the branch of criminal law and define the notion of REHABILITATION, along with the legal effects it produces.

The REHABILITATION is a cause that removes the consequences of the conviction and gives the convicted person the opportunity to be restored to the previous situation, allowing him to freely exercise the rights which he has been deprived of, such as the right to drive certain vehicles or the right to be in certain locations. We mention that the REHABILITATION can be legal or judicial.

The REHABILITATION can operate automatically if the natural person has been sentenced to a fine or a prison sentence not exceeding 2 years or has been sentenced to a prison sentence whose execution has been suspended under supervision provided that within 3 years the convicted person no other crime was committed.

Judicial REHABILITATION operates only upon request, in the event that the defendant has not committed another crime within the terms provided by law, terms that are set according to the punishment applied by the court. Apart from the passing of time, rehabilitation will only work if the convicted person has paid the costs of the proceedings and the compensation to which he has been ordered by the court.

For more details regarding the concept of rehabilitation and the legal effects that this institution produces, we are at your disposal for additional information!